Fatality Facts 2022Motorcycles and ATVs


Motorcycles are less stable and less visible than cars and often have high performance capabilities. When motorcycles crash, their riders lack the protection of an enclosed vehicle, so they're more likely to be injured or killed. The federal government estimates that per mile traveled in 2021, the number of deaths on motorcycles was nearly 24 times the number in cars (NHTSA, 2023).

Because serious head injury is common among fatally injured motorcyclists, helmet use is important. Helmets are about 37% effective in preventing motorcycle deaths (Deutermann, 2004) and about 67% effective in preventing brain injuries (NHTSA, 2008). Yet only 17 states and the District of Columbia mandate helmet use by all riders.

All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) are not designed for on-road use, but recently hundreds of riders have been dying each year in crashes on public roads.

The following facts are based on analysis of data from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS).

Posted June 2024.

Age and sex

In the late 1970s the proportion of fatally injured motorcyclists who were 50 and older started to increase, rising from 3% of all rider deaths in 1975 to 14% in 1997 and 34% in 2022. In contrast, 27% of the fatally injured motorcyclists in 2022 were younger than 30, compared with 80% in 1975.

Percentage of motorcyclist deaths by age, 1975-2022

Motorcyclist deaths by age, 1975-2022
Year ≤29 years 30-39 years 40-49 years ≥50 years Total*
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1975 2,538 80 428 13 129 4 81 3 3,180 100
1976 2,631 80 429 13 143 4 101 3 3,306 100
1977 3,279 80 537 13 149 4 129 3 4,099 100
1978 3,639 80 613 13 185 4 130 3 4,574 100
1979 3,732 76 747 15 233 5 173 4 4,892 100
1980 3,756 73 918 18 278 5 182 4 5,138 100
1981 3,594 73 850 17 262 5 181 4 4,896 100
1982 3,210 72 808 18 253 6 167 4 4,449 100
1983 3,074 72 776 18 239 6 165 4 4,260 100
1984 3,285 71 833 18 275 6 195 4 4,602 100
1985 3,265 72 861 19 247 5 184 4 4,562 100
1986 3,218 70 913 20 268 6 156 3 4,566 100
1987 2,727 68 853 21 286 7 168 4 4,034 100
1988 2,426 66 774 21 290 8 170 5 3,661 100
1989 1,927 61 760 24 288 9 157 5 3,135 100
1990 1,961 60 816 25 277 9 188 6 3,243 100
1991 1,629 58 728 26 296 11 151 5 2,805 100
1992 1,299 54 652 27 280 12 164 7 2,395 100
1993 1,267 52 665 27 335 14 176 7 2,445 100
1994 1,168 50 607 26 346 15 195 8 2,317 100
1995 1,103 50 576 26 359 16 188 8 2,226 100
1996 965 45 555 26 420 19 221 10 2,161 100
1997 860 41 556 26 405 19 294 14 2,116 100
1998 921 40 612 27 475 21 285 12 2,294 100
1999 898 36 612 25 570 23 403 16 2,483 100
2000 1,006 35 706 24 677 23 501 17 2,895 100
2001 1,134 35 798 25 729 23 532 17 3,195 100
2002 1,042 32 780 24 769 24 674 21 3,267 100
2003 1,179 32 837 23 903 24 789 21 3,710 100
2004 1,297 32 875 22 971 24 883 22 4,026 100
2005 1,441 31 975 21 1,027 22 1,131 25 4,575 100
2006 1,524 32 1,000 21 1,107 23 1,178 24 4,810 100
2007 1,581 31 1,043 20 1,173 23 1,372 27 5,174 100
2008 1,620 31 989 19 1,178 22 1,518 29 5,307 100
2009 1,186 27 851 19 1,016 23 1,411 32 4,467 100
2010 1,171 26 814 18 996 22 1,535 34 4,517 100
2011 1,228 27 827 18 944 20 1,630 35 4,630 100
2012 1,290 26 913 18 990 20 1,792 36 4,986 100
2013 1,281 27 817 17 953 20 1,640 35 4,691 100
2014 1,276 30 725 17 747 17 1,553 36 4,302 100
2015 1,477 29 855 17 884 18 1,808 36 5,026 100
2016 1,508 28 963 18 905 17 1,955 37 5,337 100
2017 1,481 28 964 18 892 17 1,889 36 5,229 100
2018 1,396 28 934 19 864 17 1,844 37 5,038 100
2019 1,388 28 962 19 816 16 1,876 37 5,044 100
2020 1,486 26 1,192 21 930 17 2,006 36 5,619 100
2021 1,572 26 1,328 22 1,084 18 2,145 35 6,137 100
2022 1,671 27 1,348 22 1,049 17 2,146 34 6,222 100

Fifty-four percent of the female motorcyclists who died in crashes in 2022 were passengers, and their deaths represented 91% of the passenger deaths. The vast majority of male motorcyclists who died were drivers.

Motorcyclist deaths by person type and sex, 2022
Person type Male Female Total*
Number % Number % Number %
Driver 5,707 96 222 4 5,935 100
Passenger 26 9 257 91 283 100
Total 5,736 92 480 8 6,222 100

Helmet use

In 2022, 62% of fatally injured motorcycle drivers were helmeted. Helmet use was lower, at 42%, for people killed as passengers on motorcycles.

Helmet use of fatally injured motorcycle drivers and passengers, 2022
Helmet No helmet Total*
Number % Number % Number %
Driver 3,676 62 2,038 34 5,935 100
Passenger 118 42 147 52 283 100
Total 3,798 61 2,185 35 6,222 100

In 2022, 88% of fatally injured motorcyclists were helmeted in states with helmet laws that cover all riders, in contrast to only 33% in states with no helmet law. In states with helmet laws that cover only some riders, 45% of fatally injured motorcyclists were helmeted.

Helmet use of fatally injured motorcyclists by helmet law status, 2022
Helmet No helmet Total*
Number % Number % Number %
No law 76 33 150 64 233 100
Partial law 1,613 45 1,824 51 3,581 100
Universal law 2,109 88 211 9 2,408 100
Total 3,798 61 2,185 35 6,222 100

Motorcycle type and engine size

Engine sizes of motorcycles whose drivers were killed in crashes have gone up dramatically. Among motorcycle drivers killed in 2022, 34% drove motorcycles with engine sizes larger than 1,400 cc, compared with 9% in 2000 and less than 1% in 1990.

Percentage of motorcycle driver deaths by motorcycle engine size, 1985-2022

Motorcycle driver deaths by motorcycle engine size, 1985-2022
Year 0-1,000 cc 1,001-1,400 cc >1,400 cc Total*
Number % Number % Number % Number
1985 2,682 67 614 15 0 0 4,021
1986 2,822 70 625 16 0 0 4,019
1987 2,515 70 602 17 0 0 3,590
1988 2,219 68 617 19 6 <1 3,281
1989 1,879 68 539 19 3 <1 2,780
1990 1,937 67 620 21 5 <1 2,895
1991 1,672 67 556 22 13 1 2,496
1992 1,389 64 522 24 8 <1 2,172
1993 1,371 62 586 26 11 <1 2,212
1994 1,244 59 540 26 15 1 2,092
1995 1,215 60 568 28 22 1 2,020
1996 1,135 58 552 28 38 2 1,962
1997 1,079 56 618 32 33 2 1,937
1998 1,169 56 650 31 46 2 2,089
1999 1,099 48 644 28 99 4 2,286
2000 1,371 52 779 29 234 9 2,651
2001 1,553 53 781 26 309 10 2,953
2002 1,506 50 737 24 482 16 3,031
2003 1,641 48 830 24 614 18 3,423
2004 1,797 48 813 22 724 20 3,711
2005 2,092 49 932 22 865 20 4,253
2006 2,200 49 862 19 1,018 23 4,492
2007 2,425 50 917 19 1,120 23 4,853
2008 2,360 47 877 18 1,245 25 4,970
2009 1,847 44 736 18 1,144 27 4,163
2010 1,772 42 731 17 1,182 28 4,207
2011 1,980 46 755 17 1,183 27 4,341
2012 2,027 44 791 17 1,316 28 4,652
2013 2,063 47 703 16 1,281 29 4,422
2014 1,890 47 678 17 1,286 32 4,041
2015 2,244 47 741 16 1,400 30 4,732
2016 2,314 46 759 15 1,581 32 4,998
2017 2,295 46 726 15 1,606 33 4,941
2018 2,197 47 664 14 1,586 34 4,724
2019 2,193 46 679 14 1,624 34 4,763
2020 2,488 47 705 13 1,782 34 5,307
2021 2,727 47 761 13 1,998 34 5,832
2022 2,877 48 748 13 2,034 34 5,935

Among the motorcycles whose drivers were killed in 2022, 95% of touring bikes had engines larger than 1,400 cc, while virtually all supersport bikes had engine sizes of 1,000 cc or smaller.

Fatally injured motorcycle drivers by motorcycle type and engine size, 2022
0-1,000 cc 1,001-1,400 cc >1,400 cc Total *
Number % Number % Number % Number %
Cruiser/standard 505 29 419 24 812 47 1,736 100
Touring 7 1 59 5 1,182 95 1,248 100
Sport-touring 16 22 58 78 0 0 74 100
Sport/unclad sport 660 79 151 18 25 3 836 100
Supersport 1,203 98 21 2 0 0 1,224 100
Off-road 98 100 0 0 0 0 98 100
Other/unknown 388 54 40 6 15 2 719 100
Total 2,877 48 748 13 2,034 34 5,935 100

Among fatally injured motorcycle drivers in 2022, 19% of cruiser or standard motorcycle drivers were younger than 30 and only 6% of touring bike drivers were under 30. In contrast, 48% of fatally injured supersport drivers in 2022 were younger than 30.

Fatally injured motorcycle drivers by age and motorcycle type, 2022
<30 years 30-39 years 40-49 years 50+ years Total *
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
Cruiser/standard 328 19 361 21 301 17 745 43 1,736 100
Touring 74 6 161 13 237 19 775 62 1,248 100
Sport-touring 8 11 6 8 16 22 44 59 74 100
Sport/unclad sport 377 45 219 26 133 16 107 13 836 100
Supersport 593 48 381 31 178 15 72 6 1,224 100
Off-road 57 58 20 20 12 12 9 9 98 100
Other/unknown 166 23 135 19 122 17 293 41 719 100
Total 1,603 27 1,283 22 999 17 2,045 34 5,935 100

At 84%, helmet use was highest among fatally injured drivers of supersport motorcycles in 2022, followed closely by sport/unclad sport at 79% and then sport-touring at 74%. About half of fatally injured drivers of touring motorcycles and of cruisers or standard motorcycles were helmeted.

Helmet use of fatally injured motorcycle drivers by motorcycle type, 2022
Helmet No helmet Total*
Number % Number % Number %
Cruiser/standard 944 54 735 42 1,736 100
Touring 606 49 589 47 1,248 100
Sport-touring 55 74 17 23 74 100
Sport/unclad sport 660 79 146 17 836 100
Supersport 1,029 84 169 14 1,224 100
Off-road 27 28 68 69 98 100
Other 235 58 157 38 408 100
Unknown 120 39 157 50 311 100
Total 3,676 62 2,038 34 5,935 100

When and where they died

Sixty percent of motorcyclist deaths in 2022 occurred during May-September. Fatalities peaked in June and were lowest in January.

Motorcyclist deaths by month, 2022
Month Deaths %
January 182 3
February 271 4
March 413 7
April 526 8
May 731 12
June 777 12
July 771 12
August 735 12
September 716 12
October 567 9
November 335 5
December 198 3
Total 6,222 100

Forty-six percent of motorcyclist deaths in 2022 occurred on weekends, and those deaths were more likely to occur after 6 p.m. compared with weekdays.

Motorcyclist deaths by time of day, 2022
Weekend (6 p.m. Friday - 6 a.m. Monday) Other times Total
Number % Number %
Midnight - 3 a.m. 317 10 216 7 533
3 a.m. - 6 a.m. 110 3 121 4 231
6 a.m. - 9 a.m. 81 3 290 9 371
9 a.m. - noon 202 7 311 10 513
Noon - 3 p.m. 405 14 539 16 944
3 p.m. - 6 p.m. 498 17 794 23 1,292
6 p.m. - 9 p.m. 740 26 626 19 1,366
9 p.m. - midnight 499 17 431 13 930
Total* 2,869 100 3,353 100 6,222

Fifty-six percent of motorcyclist deaths in 2022 occurred on major roads other than interstates and freeways. Deaths were more likely to occur in urban than rural areas (66% vs. 34%).

Motorcyclist deaths by location of crash, 2022
Road Type Urban Rural Total*
Number % Number % Number %
Interstates and freeways 606 10 125 2 731 12
Noninterstate major roads 2,538 41 937 15 3,475 56
Minor roads 944 15 1,042 17 1,986 32
Total* 4,096 66 2,113 34 6,222 100

Alcohol involvement

Twenty-nine percent of fatally injured motorcycle drivers in 2022 had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at or above 0.08%; in single-vehicle crashes this was 42%.

Estimated number and percent of fatally injured motorcycle drivers with high BACs by crash type, 2022
Crash type Deaths Estimated deaths with BACs ≥ 0.08 Estimated deaths with BACs ≥ 0.15
Number Number % Number %
Single-vehicle 2,213 936 42 593 27
Multiple-vehicle 3,722 769 21 447 12
All crashes 5,935 1,705 29 1,041 18

Forty-nine percent of motorcycle drivers killed at night (9 p.m. - 6 a.m.) in 2022 had BACs at or above 0.08%.

Estimated number and percent of fatally injured motorcycle drivers with high BACs by time of day, 2022
Time of day Deaths Estimated deaths with BACs ≥ 0.08 Estimated deaths with BACs ≥ 0.15
Number Number % Number %
Nighttime (9 p.m. - 6 a.m.) 1,610 791 49 490 30
Other times 4,325 913 21 551 13
Total 5,935 1,705 29 1,041 18


Deaths of ATV riders on public roads have increased dramatically since 1982, the first year they were explicitly identified in FARS. The proportion of fatally injured ATV riders who were 40 and older increased from 9% in 1982 to 45% in 2022. The proportion younger than age 20 decreased from 54% in 1982 to 21% in 2022. These data include both straddle-type ATVs and side-by-side models that have increased in popularity recently. 

Deaths of ATV riders on public roads by age, 1982-2022
Year <13 years 13-19 years 20-29 years 30-39 years 40-49 years 50+ years Total*
Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number %
1982 6 17 13 37 7 20 6 17 0 0 3 9 35 100
1983 2 5 18 43 12 29 5 12 2 5 3 7 42 100
1984 4 9 17 36 14 30 6 13 5 11 1 2 47 100
1985 9 19 20 43 12 26 1 2 1 2 3 6 47 100
1986 11 18 20 33 21 34 6 10 1 2 2 3 61 100
1987 12 16 18 24 23 31 10 14 6 8 5 7 74 100
1988 14 18 26 34 21 27 7 9 5 6 4 5 77 100
1989 13 14 39 41 21 22 10 11 6 6 6 6 95 100
1990 12 10 44 36 37 31 13 11 8 7 7 6 121 100
1991 10 8 34 29 42 36 18 15 6 5 8 7 118 100
1992 8 7 44 37 39 33 12 10 4 3 12 10 119 100
1993 11 11 42 41 23 23 20 20 2 2 4 4 102 100
1994 10 9 42 37 31 27 12 11 8 7 10 9 113 100
1995 9 9 34 33 32 31 12 12 4 4 11 11 102 100
1996 16 11 44 30 43 29 23 16 6 4 16 11 148 100
1997 10 8 47 36 33 25 18 14 5 4 17 13 131 100
1998 17 12 55 37 29 20 23 16 12 8 11 7 147 100
1999 13 8 60 35 46 27 26 15 11 6 17 10 173 100
2000 12 6 73 34 63 30 30 14 18 8 17 8 213 100
2001 19 8 69 31 51 23 46 21 19 8 20 9 224 100
2002 21 8 69 27 69 27 39 16 21 8 31 12 251 100
2003 22 7 83 28 73 24 49 16 43 14 31 10 301 100
2004 22 7 99 29 101 30 39 12 33 10 43 13 337 100
2005 29 9 87 26 89 26 46 14 40 12 46 14 337 100
2006 16 4 95 26 102 28 61 17 41 11 47 13 362 100
2007 17 5 79 21 116 32 60 16 60 16 36 10 368 100
2008 24 6 83 22 98 26 65 17 46 12 61 16 377 100
2009 16 5 70 21 81 24 54 16 61 18 53 16 335 100
2010 16 5 51 16 66 21 47 15 56 18 80 25 316 100
2011 10 3 47 15 74 24 54 18 54 18 66 22 305 100
2012 15 5 40 13 79 26 56 18 53 17 61 20 304 100
2013 14 4 48 15 73 23 61 19 48 15 76 24 320 100
2014 18 6 37 11 81 25 64 20 46 14 79 24 325 100
2015 19 6 42 13 73 22 53 16 50 15 97 29 334 100
2016 15 4 51 14 81 23 60 17 49 14 98 28 354 100
2017 18 5 55 16 82 23 52 15 44 12 103 29 354 100
2018 19 5 43 12 72 20 61 17 59 16 108 30 362 100
2019 16 4 46 12 77 21 60 16 49 13 127 34 375 100
2020 18 3 82 15 126 23 99 18 78 14 153 27 557 100
2021 16 3 71 14 94 19 81 16 80 16 159 32 501 100
2022 34 7 67 14 95 20 62 13 76 16 138 29 473 100

Nine percent of fatally injured ATV riders wore helmets in 2022.

Helmet use among fatally injured ATV riders on public roads, 2022
Helmet No helmet Total*
Number % Number % Number %
Driver 40 11 294 77 380 100
Passenger 1 1 80 86 93 100
Total* 41 9 374 79 473 100

Seventy-three percent of fatally injured ATV riders were killed in crashes involving no other vehicles in 2022, compared with 45% of passenger vehicle occupants killed in crashes and 37% of motorcyclists.

Crash deaths by number of involved vehicles and vehicle type, 2022
Crash type ATV riders Motorcyclists Passenger vehicle occupants
Number % Number % Number %
Single-vehicle 345 73 2,315 37 11,457 45
Multiple-vehicle 128 27 3,907 63 14,268 55
All crashes 473 100 6,222 100 25,725 100

Among ATV riders killed in single-vehicle crashes in 2022, 75% involved the ATV rolling over during the crash. This was comparable to the percentage for large trucks (65%), but higher than those for passenger vehicles.

Occupant deaths in single-vehicle crashes by rollover, 2022
Rollover No rollover Total
Number % Number % Number %
ATV 260 75 85 25 345 100
Car 2,295 42 3,167 58 5,462 100
SUV 1,789 56 1,429 44 3,218 100
Pickup 1,433 54 1,198 46 2,631 100
Large trucks 299 65 163 35 462 100

ATV rider deaths on public roads in 2022 were highest in July. Sixty percent of the deaths in 2022 occurred during May-September.

ATV rider deaths on public roads by month, 2022
Deaths %
January 21 4
February 15 3
March 25 5
April 33 7
May 53 11
June 54 11
July 84 18
August 53 11
September 40 8
October 51 11
November 24 5
December 20 4
Total 473 100

Seventy-nine percent of ATV riders killed on public roads in 2022 were on rural roads. Of those, 84% were on minor roads.

ATV rider deaths by road type and land use, 2022
Road type Urban Rural Total*
Number % Number % Number %
Interstates and freeways 2 0 1 0 3 1
Noninterstate major roads 25 5 34 7 59 12
Minor roads 52 11 317 67 369 78
Total* 79 17 376 79 473 100

In 2022, 44% of fatally injured ATV drivers on public roads had BACs at or above 0.08%. Impairment was highest at 61% among fatally injured ATV drivers ages 40-49.

Estimated number and percent of fatally injured ATV drivers with high BACs on public roads by age, 2022
Age Deaths Estimated deaths with BACs ≥ 0.08 Estimated deaths with BACs ≥ 0.15
Number Number % Number %
<20 59 10 16 4 7
20-29 73 38 52 24 33
30-39 53 31 59 20 38
40-49 67 41 61 33 49
50+ 127 46 36 33 26
Total* 380 167 44 115 30