Fatality Facts 2022Alcohol


The probability of a fatal crash rises significantly after 0.05% blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and even more rapidly after 0.08% (Zador et al., 2000; Voas et al., 2012).

Drivers with very high BACs (at or above 0.15%) have a very high risk of dying in a crash or getting severely injured (Zador et al., 2000; Peck et al., 2008).

Forty-nine states and the District of Columbia have per se laws making it a crime to drive with a BAC at or above 0.08%. In Utah, it’s a crime to drive with a BAC of 0.05% or above.

Substantial progress was made from 1982 to the mid-1990s in reducing the number and proportion of fatally injured drivers with BACs at or above 0.08%. However, little subsequent progress has been made, and alcohol-impaired driving is still a major problem. Institute research estimates that 25% of crash deaths could be prevented each year if all drivers with BACs of 0.08% or higher were kept off the roads (Farmer, 2021).

At the same BAC, drivers younger than 21 are far more likely than older drivers to get into a fatal or nonfatal crash (Zador et al., 2000; Voas et al., 2012; Peck et al., 2008).

The minimum drinking age is 21 throughout the United States. In addition, all states have “zero tolerance” laws that prohibit people younger than 21 from driving after drinking. The percentage of fatally injured 16-20-year-old passenger vehicle drivers with BACs at or above 0.08% now is substantially lower than drivers ages 21-50.

The following facts are based on analysis of data from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System. The data are from all 50 states and the District of Columbia with imputations for missing BACs provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s multiple imputation model (Subramanian, 2002).

Posted June 2024.

Who is killed

In 2022, the individuals most often killed in crashes involving at least one alcohol-impaired driver (BAC ≥ 0.08%) were alcohol-impaired drivers (8,012 deaths), followed by occupants of other vehicles (2,193 deaths), passengers riding with an alcohol-impaired driver (1,684 deaths), and nonoccupants (1,635 deaths).

Fatalities in crashes involving at least one driver with a BAC ≥ 0.08%, 2022
Age Alcohol-impaired drivers Passengers riding With alcohol-impaired drivers Occupants of other vehicles Nonoccupants Total*
Deaths % Deaths % Deaths % Deaths % Deaths %
0-15 9 0 169 10 94 4 49 3 321 2
16-20 500 6 270 16 191 9 62 4 1,024 8
21-30 2,272 28 494 29 458 21 271 17 3,494 26
31-40 1,876 23 305 18 370 17 330 20 2,881 21
41-50 1,309 16 166 10 302 14 274 17 2,051 15
51-60 1,057 13 136 8 300 14 286 17 1,780 13
61-70 647 8 70 4 218 10 220 13 1,154 9
>70 329 4 64 4 253 12 121 7 767 6
Total* 8,012 100 1,684 100 2,193 100 1,635 100 13,524 100

Age and sex

Among fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers in 2022, a higher proportion of males than females had BACs at or above 0.08% at every age. Overall, 33% of males and 24% of females had BACs at or above 0.08%. The percentage was highest among males ages 21-30. The lowest percentage was observed among females older than 70. 

Estimated number and percent of fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers with BACs ≥ 0.08% by driver age and sex, 2022
Age Male Female Total*
Drivers killed Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.08 Drivers killed Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.08 Drivers killed Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.08
Number Number % Number Number % Number Number %
16-20 1,182 370 31 427 84 20 1,609 454 28
21-30 2,964 1,376 46 1,138 446 39 4,104 1,824 44
31-40 2,532 1,096 43 927 309 33 3,463 1,407 41
41-50 1,940 721 37 678 178 26 2,618 899 34
51-60 1,791 545 30 746 155 21 2,537 700 28
61-70 1,625 372 23 647 93 14 2,273 466 21
>70 1,983 218 11 913 59 6 2,898 276 10
Total* 14,062 4,709 33 5,489 1,328 24 19,565 6,042 31

Among fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers in 2022, 25% of males and 18% of females had BACs at or above 0.15%.

Estimated number and percent of fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers with BACs ≥ 0.15% by driver age and sex, 2022
Age Male Female Total*
Drivers killed Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.15 Drivers killed Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.15 Drivers killed Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.15
Number Number % Number Number % Number Number %
16-20 1,182 235 20 427 54 13 1,609 290 18
21-30 2,964 1,027 35 1,138 328 29 4,104 1,355 33
31-40 2,532 815 32 927 251 27 3,463 1,067 31
41-50 1,940 551 28 678 134 20 2,618 686 26
51-60 1,791 424 24 746 116 16 2,537 540 21
61-70 1,625 264 16 647 62 10 2,273 326 14
>70 1,983 147 7 913 40 4 2,898 187 6
Total* 14,062 3,470 25 5,489 988 18 19,565 4,460 23

Since the 1980s, the percentage of fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers with BACs at or above 0.08% has declined more among 16-20-year-olds than among older drivers. The percentage of fatally injured 16-20-year-old passenger vehicle drivers with BACs at or above 0.08% now is substantially lower than the percentage for drivers ages 21-50.

Percent of fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers with BACs ≥ 0.08% by driver age, 1982-2022

Estimated number and percent of fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers with BACs ≥ 0.08% by driver age, 1982-2022
Year 16-20 years 21-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years >50 years
Drivers killed Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.08 Drivers killed Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.08 Drivers killed Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.08 Drivers killed Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.08 Drivers killed Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.08
Number Number % Number Number % Number Number % Number Number % Number Number %
1982 3,456 1,826 53 6,244 3,948 63 3,352 1,980 59 1,935 1,023 53 4,574 1,206 26
1983 3,326 1,681 51 6,053 3,859 64 3,383 1,982 59 1,847 853 46 4,615 1,108 24
1984 3,441 1,595 46 6,413 3,885 61 3,549 1,892 53 1,949 890 46 4,839 1,077 22
1985 3,227 1,260 39 6,263 3,659 58 3,430 1,842 54 2,071 914 44 4,940 957 19
1986 3,636 1,495 41 6,695 3,974 59 3,801 1,997 53 2,007 896 45 5,234 994 19
1987 3,630 1,315 36 6,802 3,975 58 4,049 2,151 53 2,128 896 42 5,402 968 18
1988 3,788 1,358 36 6,819 3,991 59 4,130 2,200 53 2,400 1,011 42 5,615 992 18
1989 3,536 1,225 35 6,475 3,675 57 4,130 2,168 52 2,558 1,100 43 5,713 1,004 18
1990 3,397 1,198 35 6,152 3,510 57 4,135 2,263 55 2,519 1,045 41 5,620 930 17
1991 3,021 1,044 35 5,623 3,183 57 3,831 2,111 55 2,479 1,049 42 5,491 833 15
1992 2,697 829 31 5,122 2,759 54 3,734 1,993 53 2,416 970 40 5,489 860 16
1993 2,805 795 28 5,065 2,658 52 3,826 2,003 52 2,475 975 39 5,737 873 15
1994 2,990 800 27 4,975 2,484 50 3,858 1,923 50 2,631 1,024 39 6,036 824 14
1995 2,983 725 24 5,081 2,585 51 4,118 2,090 51 2,854 1,147 40 6,275 918 15
1996 3,026 769 25 4,989 2,475 50 4,061 1,984 49 2,937 1,137 39 6,480 949 15
1997 3,036 774 25 4,775 2,275 48 3,913 1,947 50 2,994 1,124 38 6,870 934 14
1998 3,094 767 25 4,577 2,222 49 3,912 1,831 47 3,140 1,184 38 6,787 915 13
1999 3,261 849 26 4,653 2,260 49 3,821 1,799 47 3,131 1,176 38 6,918 891 13
2000 3,250 844 26 4,706 2,268 48 3,724 1,767 47 3,255 1,268 39 6,764 963 14
2001 3,247 823 25 4,735 2,358 50 3,643 1,700 47 3,300 1,334 40 6,847 972 14
2002 3,452 873 25 4,938 2,462 50 3,678 1,696 46 3,449 1,360 39 6,879 964 14
2003 3,260 858 26 4,852 2,308 48 3,453 1,534 44 3,420 1,352 40 7,084 1,044 15
2004 3,175 815 26 4,970 2,372 48 3,333 1,414 42 3,438 1,276 37 6,918 1,053 15
2005 2,985 734 25 5,067 2,492 49 3,372 1,526 45 3,358 1,290 38 7,079 1,036 15
2006 3,020 831 28 5,159 2,535 49 3,288 1,511 46 3,263 1,216 37 6,770 1,052 16
2007 2,728 766 28 5,028 2,592 52 2,992 1,408 47 3,060 1,211 40 6,645 1,056 16
2008 2,292 626 27 4,388 2,327 53 2,656 1,300 49 2,718 1,068 39 6,154 940 15
2009 2,049 609 30 3,870 2,020 52 2,399 1,127 47 2,623 1,107 42 5,847 923 16
2010 1,675 438 26 3,697 1,816 49 2,414 1,086 45 2,312 914 40 5,887 914 16
2011 1,722 488 28 3,612 1,747 48 2,230 987 44 2,218 871 39 5,745 962 17
2012 1,624 436 27 3,748 1,803 48 2,391 1,099 46 2,188 872 40 5,926 988 17
2013 1,381 360 26 3,671 1,788 49 2,336 1,058 45 2,138 850 40 6,018 1,049 17
2014 1,434 344 24 3,636 1,707 47 2,317 987 43 2,042 752 37 6,025 1,110 18
2015 1,591 348 22 3,860 1,658 43 2,522 1,067 42 2,121 744 35 6,491 1,090 17
2016 1,591 330 21 4,205 1,812 43 2,726 1,114 41 2,218 781 35 6,857 1,102 16
2017 1,483 322 22 4,057 1,721 42 2,830 1,125 40 2,282 767 34 7,056 1,174 17
2018 1,439 289 20 3,962 1,674 42 2,711 1,062 39 2,158 736 34 6,958 1,191 17
2019 1,334 286 21 3,639 1,552 43 2,736 1,063 39 2,148 710 33 6,985 1,174 17
2020 1,579 391 25 4,258 1,747 41 3,150 1,236 39 2,393 830 35 6,864 1,318 19
2021 1,720 411 24 4,520 1,943 43 3,731 1,472 39 2,674 918 34 7,629 1,432 19
2022 1,609 454 28 4,104 1,824 44 3,463 1,407 41 2,618 899 34 7,708 1,443 19

When alcohol-impaired crashes occur

Alcohol involvement in fatal crashes peaks at night. Between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., 51% of fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers in 2022 had BACs at or above 0.08%, compared with 20% during other hours.

Estimated number and percent of fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers with high BACs by nighttime vs. other times, 2022
Time of day Drivers killed Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.08 Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.15
Number Number % Number %
9 p.m. - 6 a.m. 6,836 3,518 51 2,639 39
Other hours 12,729 2,524 20 1,821 14
Total 19,565 6,042 31 4,460 23

The three-hour period with the highest percentage of driver fatalities with BACs of 0.08% or higher is midnight to 3 a.m.

Estimated number and percent of fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers with high BACs by time of day, 2022
Time of day Drivers killed Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.08 Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.15
Number Number % Number %
Midnight - 3 a.m. 2,470 1,461 59 1,102 45
3 a.m. - 6 a.m. 1,778 797 45 582 33
6 a.m. - 9 a.m. 2,283 350 15 240 11
9 a.m. - noon 2,077 201 10 144 7
Noon - 3 p.m. 2,543 331 13 232 9
3 p.m. - 6 p.m. 3,055 622 20 436 14
6 p.m. - 9 p.m. 2,600 938 36 710 27
9 p.m. - midnight 2,588 1,260 49 955 37
Total* 19,565 6,042 31 4,460 23

Forty-two percent of passenger vehicle drivers fatally injured on weekends (6 p.m. Friday to 6 a.m. Monday) in 2022 had BACs at or above 0.08%, compared with 24% at other times.

Estimated number and percent of fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers with high BACs by weekend vs. other times, 2022
Drivers killed Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.08 Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.15
Number Number % Number %
Weekend (6 p.m. Friday - 6 a.m. Monday) 7,596 3,178 42 2,351 31
Other times 11,969 2,864 24 2,109 18
Total 19,565 6,042 31 4,460 23

Alcohol involvement is very high in fatal nighttime (9 p.m. to 6 a.m.) single-vehicle crashes. In 2022, 61% of fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers in these crashes had BACs at or above 0.08%, and 46% had BACs at or above 0.15%. Five percent had BACs of 0.01% to 0.07%.

Estimated number and percent of fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers by BAC, time, and crash type, 2022
Drivers killed Estimated drivers killed with BACs = 0 Estimated drivers killed with 0.01 ≤ BACs < 0.08 Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.08 Estimated drivers killed with BACs ≥ 0.15
Number Number % Number % Number % Number %
Single vehicle Night 3,900 1,302 33 211 5 2,387 61 1,812 46
Day 4,927 3,247 66 206 4 1,474 30 1,081 22
Multiple vehicle Night 2,936 1,634 56 171 6 1,131 39 826 28
Day 7,631 6,415 84 248 3 968 13 680 9

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