Changes in driver glance behavior when using a system that automates steering to perform a low-speed parallel parking maneuver

Kidd, David G. / Reimer, Bryan / Dobres, Jonathan / Mehler, Bruce
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
July 2018

Drivers adapt their glance behavior when using automation, which may detract attention from their surroundings. Glance behavior during parallel parking maneuvers performed with and without automated steering was compared. Drivers directed a smaller proportion of their glances toward the parking space and spent less time looking at it when using automation than when not using automation. The proportion of glances and time spent looking at the instrument cluster containing information from the automation increased significantly. Unexpectedly, drivers also spent a significantly larger proportion of time looking at the instrument cluster and a smaller proportion looking forward and rearward when using automation while approaching a parking space. The system selected the parking space in the approach phase, which may have drawn attention to the instrument cluster. The findings indicate that drivers monitor their surroundings less and redirect their gaze to system displays when using automated steering while parking.

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